Screenshot PM Webtool

Rental deposits reinvented.

The digital platform for rental deposits in Switzerland.

Open rental deposits with a Swiss bank and full security in 24 hours. No forms, no letters, no waiting.

Join 50+ property managers that trust Evorest

Our customers include small companies with a few hundred rental units as well as property managers with over 10’000 units under management. Thanks to our flexible setup we can offer our customers the solution that fits best for them.

Bellevia LogoRieder Immobilien LogoSTS Immobilien LogoImmobilien House Logovon Holzen LogoPeter Halter LogoOnesta LogoBellevia LogoRieder Immobilien LogoSTS Immobilien LogoImmobilien House Logovon Holzen LogoPeter Halter Logo

Benefits for property managers

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Save time with fully digitalized rental deposits

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Open rental deposits within 24 hours

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Benefit from increased deposit coverage

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Offer your tenants a traditional deposit account or an investment option while retaining full security

Inspirational photo of Lucerne

Your deposit account is deposited with our partner bank and is secured by a deposit guarantee of up to CHF 100,000

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Evorest offers an all-in-one tool for rental deposits

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Sign-up on our website within a minute

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Keep an overview of all rental deposits with relevant details and real-time status updates

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Open, modify, and close deposit accounts with just a few clicks

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Save time with auto-filled property manager and apartment data

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Import existing properties

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No more paper waste compared to traditional deposit account opening

What property managers like most about Evorest

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Web tool for property managers, which digitizes the end-to-end rental deposit process for private tenants  - including auto-filling and status updates

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Time saving

From contract signing to confirmed account opening in just 24 hours. Open, adjust and close deposits with a few clicks, speeding up daily tasks for you and your team

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Higher safety

The full paid-in deposit of up to 3 months rent is guaranteed by Evorest, even in a market downturn. If the markets are performing well, the deposit coverage is even higher than what was paid in

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Secure deposits and data

Deposits are held by an established and licensed Swiss bank. Our services are hosted on IT with top-notch security features and all data is stored within Switzerland

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Integration with current IT

Get started quickly by importing data on properties and owners from existing data bases

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At no cost

All Evorest services are completely free for property managers

Book a demo

Want to learn more about our offering for property managers? We are happy to give you a demo of our product.

Fill in the contact form to schedule an appointment today.

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By submitting your details, you allow Evorest to store your data, send email updates and approach you to schedule a demo of our tool

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